Nani Mandarin Textbook
Text Book Cover Design   |  B5  |  2021
Design   |  Illustration 

Client |  @aestheticell_textbook

Publishing House | 南一書局

Creative Director | 劉耕名 @kengming

Account Manager | 彭乃芸

Art Director | 王璿甯 @_banahsuan_

Illustration Designer  | 侯旅雯 @bb_hlw

Project Manager | 賴怡鈞

You might collect CD albums covers but have you ever wondered to collect book covers? Bito redesigns book covers of Chinese textbooks for junior high school.The concept of our design is to combine the unique usage and knowledge of Chinese with Chinese celestial beasts together.When the six textbooks display in one line, it can be symbolized as there is no end to learning.All the students can create their own celestial beasts and makes the textbooks as fun as puzzles.

❙ Bito x美感教科書 ❙  一套讓你畢業後也捨不得丟掉的課本!
這次Bito為南一國中國文 課本設計出系列令人好想一次收藏的封面。
❶ #麒麟 x 工具書與標點符號
❷ #白虎 x 造字與書法
❸ #玄武 x 詞類與句型
❹ #朱雀 x 題辭與書信
❺ #騰蛇 x 對聯與熟語
❻ #青龍 x 生活用語

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